Virutex EM25D límburðaráhald
Virutex EM25D límburðaráhald er í pöntun og verður send um leið og hún er komin á lager
Afhendingar- og sendingarmátar
Afhendingar- og sendingarmátar
Hægt að sækja í verslun okkar eða fá sent. Allar pantanir eru afgreiddar samdægurs eða næsta virka dag eftir pöntun.
Hand gluer for glueing large surfaces using vinyl glue (White). Lower roller width: 122 mm. Equipped with trigger shut-off device to stop the flow of glue. Also comes with a support where it can be left when not in use, thus keeping the working area and the machine clean. Moreover, is equipped with an upper auxiliary roller for clean glueing of strips.
2504005 Rubber roller 122 mm (*) For white glues and water-solution emulsions. Amount of glue to be applied: MEDIUM.
2504065 Polyurethane roller 122 mm, For synthetic resin glues, white glues and watersolution emulsions. Amount of glue to be applied: LITTLE.
(*) Included as standard equipment
Kort, Pei & Netgíró
Allar kortafærslur eru dulkóðaðar og fara í gegnum örugga greiðslusíðu.