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Collecta HSK63 ER40 X-treme vinstri
23.957 kr
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Collecta HSK63 ER40 X-treme vinstri er í pöntun og verður send um leið og hún er komin á lager
Afhendingar- og sendingarmátar
Afhendingar- og sendingarmátar
Hægt að sækja í verslun okkar eða fá sent. Allar pantanir eru afgreiddar samdægurs eða næsta virka dag eftir pöntun.
- Extreme precision and reliability.
- Perfect tool centering.
- Defect-free rotation.
- Made from extremely high resistant steel.
- Precision grinding on all jointed parts.
- Extreme high rotation performance >= 15 HP – 20.000 RPM.
- For very efficient sizing on extreme unprecedented high feed speed.
- Excellent finishing quality on the workpiece and longer tool life.
- Sturdy design with reduced height to increase the work space between the machine and the piece.
- Safe and fast tool setup.
- Interchangeable collet clamps with radial grooves for secure parallel tool clamping.
- Wide clamping tolerance (-0.7mm).
- Right or left-hand rotation chucks with self clamping threads.
- Clamping nut with Woodruff radial grooves for c-spanners.
- Practical withdrawal sleeves with double differential threads for the chuck spindle.
- Central hexagonal low profile for easy tool clamping through a c-spanner.
- Designed and tested in collaboration with the most renowned machining and CNC router construction centres.
- Delivered in smart professional packaging.

- prevents overheating
- protects against corrosion and rust
- reduces resin build-up
- longer life and greater tool performance
Kort, Pei & Netgíró
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