CMT | Vörunúmer
Sagarblað 250x30 Z60 3,2 ATB 10/15° OrCr
15.801 kr
Virðisaukaskattur innifalinn
Sendingarkostnaður bætist við seinna.
Sagarblað 250x30 Z60 3,2 ATB 10/15° OrCr er í pöntun og verður send um leið og hún er komin á lager
Afhendingar- og sendingarmátar
Afhendingar- og sendingarmátar
Hægt að sækja í verslun okkar eða fá sent. Allar pantanir eru afgreiddar samdægurs eða næsta virka dag eftir pöntun.
Each blade undergoes rigorous assessment and only in the event that micro imbalance is detected will the appropriate correction holes be applied.
You may find 1 to 5 micro balancing holes on your blade, depending on the degree of micro imbalance (fig.1). When in perfect balance, a single incision will appear on
the blade as proof of balance.
These holes will have no effect on the technical properties of the blade during use (such as an increase in noise**, chip build-up at the correction site, etc.).
This translates to precise cutting, longer blade life, reduced vibration and noise, and less wear and tear on your machine components.
You may find 1 to 5 micro balancing holes on your blade, depending on the degree of micro imbalance (fig.1). When in perfect balance, a single incision will appear on
the blade as proof of balance.
These holes will have no effect on the technical properties of the blade during use (such as an increase in noise**, chip build-up at the correction site, etc.).
This translates to precise cutting, longer blade life, reduced vibration and noise, and less wear and tear on your machine components.
Kort, Pei & Netgíró
Allar kortafærslur eru dulkóðaðar og fara í gegnum örugga greiðslusíðu.