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Pro Resin  |  Vörunúmer V3305L

Pro Resin lakk 0,5L f við/laminat/málað

10.128 kr
Virðisaukaskattur innifalinn Sendingarkostnaður bætist við seinna.

Afhendingar- og sendingarmátar

Hægt að sækja í verslun okkar eða fá sent. Allar pantanir eru afgreiddar samdægurs eða næsta virka dag eftir pöntun.


Litarlaust lakk sem hægt er að bera á ómeðhöndlaðan við eða málað yfirborð.

INTENDED USERecommended for the protection of worktops, tables and kitchen cabinets, coating of epoxy resin objects (epoxy resin trays, cutting boards, plates, glasses, cutlery, knives and table tops). It is applied to all European and exotic wood species. Compatible on painted and laminated substrates. Attention: Upon application, the paint may appear slightly whitish, but once dry, it becomes completely satin and colorless. PROPERTIES

  • Ultra resistant to scratches, stains (water, coffee, wine, oil, ketchup) and heat up to 100° C
  • Suitable for occasional contact with food (contact time limited to 2 hours)
  • Maximum adhesion not only on solid wood but also on laminated and painted
  • Water-phase paint: no unpleasant odours and easy to wash



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