Sporjárnsett Asahi 5stk Hi Carbon
Sporjárnsett Asahi 5stk Hi Carbon er í pöntun og verður send um leið og hún er komin á lager
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Japanskt sporjárnasett Asahi 3mm, 6mm, 12mm, 18mm, 24mm og tauvasar fyrir járnin.
Búinn til úr SK5 stáli sem er hágæða stál og einnig notað í Japanska hnífa.
Hér er lýsing á ensku fyrir stálið
What is SK5 steel
SK-5 is the Japanese equivalent of American 1080, a high carbon steel with carbon between 0.75%-0.85% and 0.60%-0.90% manganese. As quenched, it has a hardness near Rc 65 and produces a mixture of carbon rich martensite with some small un-dissolved carbides. The excess carbide increases abrasion resistance and allows the steel to achieve an ideal balance of very good blade toughness with superior edge holding ability. Due to these characteristics, this grade of steel has been used traditionally for making a variety of hand tools, including chisels and woodcutting saws, and has stood the test of time and use over many years in many countries.
For soft woods a bevel of 30 degrees will provide a good balance of performance and durability.
For hardwoods a bevel of 35 degrees provides the best edge durability.
Made in Japan
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