Virutex ABB311 Kexvél
Virutex ABB311 Kexvél er í pöntun og verður send um leið og hún er komin á lager
Afhendingar- og sendingarmátar
Afhendingar- og sendingarmátar
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Specially designed for grooving panels in any position with powerful brushless motor. Thanks to the design of its micrometric fence, which can be adjusted at any height and angle, and to a graphic signs it is not necessarry to take exact measurements, due that it is possible a lateral deplacement of 2 cm for adjusting the joint, once made the groove. A pre-adjusted stopper allows to select the different grooving depths fast and easy. The machine can work usually on panels of 16, 19 and 22 mm thickness, but it is possible to work on thicker pieces thanks to the movable fence which allows to center perfectly the grooves. It is advisable to make three or more grooves to have stronger joints.
Equipped with external dust collection connector and stackable carrying case.
Compatible with batteries BT204C and BT202, which include 4 led battery indicators. Quick charge.
Jointing machine ABB311 (Battery and charger not included) Ref. 7900300
Jointing machine ABB311 (2 batteries 20 V 4 Ah + Charger + Carrying case included) Ref. 7900301
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