Sagarblað í fjölnota sög 45x50 tré 1stk 50 í kassa
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- 2.243 kr
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45mm Precision Cut, Japan toothing for Wood
HCS with “Japanese” double-row pattern, hardened teeth.
Saw blade for wood, timber, blockboard, chipboard.
Ground and side set teeth for precision, clean, quick cutting into soft wood and timber.
This tooth pattern with its longer teeth allows you to start cutting from a precise point by standing the blade on its corner and lowering it into the wood. Ideal width for creating long flat horizontal cuts like: door jambs and skirting board.
This tooth pattern with its longer teeth allows you to start cutting from a precise point by standing the blade on its corner and lowering it into the wood. Ideal width for creating long flat horizontal cuts like: door jambs and skirting board.
50st í kassa