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Easy Composites  |  Vörunúmer NUOVAEPOXY155KG

Resin Pro Non toxic Epoxy Resin 1,55 Kg

9.583 kr
Virðisaukaskattur innifalinn Sendingarkostnaður bætist við seinna.

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Gegnsætt epoxy 1,55 Kg. Hægt að nota í allt að 50mm þykkt.

  • Most used resin for wooden tables, design and DIY, suitable for castings up to 5 cm.
  • Very low exotherm for safe processing without overheating.
  • Resistant to scratches and yellowing thanks to UV filters and high mechanical quality.
  • Low viscosity to eliminate air bubbles and achieve smooth finishes.
  • Safe, non-toxic, BPA/VOC free and certified for prolonged contact with the skin.


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